Originally Posted by GreyWolf
I've tried with my children to instill in them the necessary manners to function in whatever situation they find themselves.
How's that working out for you? Not to be a smartass...that's a serious question. I find that it's hard to teach a child that he needs to be respectful and polite, when the "Bart Simpsons" of the world get all of the attention and accolades. It seems a bit counter productive when I try teach him one thing, with the media, and the schoolyard, showing him something else entirely.
My grandmother used to say that; "It doesn't matter how many patches that you have on your britches. Soap is cheap, and manners are free."
Meaning that you could be as poor as a church mouse (whatever that means) but you could be clean and well mannered. Now, it seems, times have changed. Kids buy jeans, brand new, off the rack, with more holes in 'em than some old work jeans that I've thrown out. They are rude, crude and disrespectful. Grandma would take a switch to 'em. Yeah...times
have changed.