Originally Posted by jewels
Please. Step outside your cynical white bread world once in a while and take a look at what you may not see from where you sit.
Really? How about this? You're not on food stamps. All you have is $20 in your pocket to pay for dinner, but you need to gas up your company car. So you spend your $20, go to work and request reimbursement, right? What's the difference? I don't know if I know how to verbalize this, so let me try again ....
I get it. I don't live in a white bread world, I live in a life that my husband and I created through hard work, sacrifice and very hard times.
When we met 20 years ago, we used milk crates as end tables and an empty TV box (taken from a neighbor) with a towel on top as a dining room table. We had a 12 inch TV, that only got channel 9. We have never taken a dime from anyone. I know tough, I know hard. What I don't know is being like the people I'm beind in the grocery store, wearing brand new clothes, dripping in gold jewelry, swiping a food stamp card then pushing their cart outside to put their purchases into a brand new Cadillac Esclade or Lincoln Navigator.
Beside the point, but if you have a company car, you probably have a salary that you can afford food for your family.
Originally Posted by jewels
A baby shower or pot luck at work. Everyone must bring a side dish. If the EBT recipient brings food, are they abusing? If a recipient has a valid reason to purchase food for a business, they've spent money allocated to them by the government and deserve to be reimbursed. It's hardly a scam if it's a one-time thing, and I think that those who truly qualify to receive the benefit shouldn't be penalized because of those who abuse it.
Here is the thing. If you qualify for food stamps, it is the equivalent of saying if you don't get government help, my help, your help, everyone's tax dollars help, that you are going to STARVE to death or at the very least become severely malnourished. Food stamps are intended for you to feed yourself and your family - temporarily - because you can not do so. They are not intended for you to keep up with those who are taking food to baby showers, pot lucks, etc.
If you are on the brink of starvation without help, then baby showers, pot lucks and everything else inbetween are at the very bottom of your to do list.