Originally Posted by Willravel
Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
The facts:
• Census worker found strapped to a tree (not hung by the neck)
• "FED" carved into the flesh in the chest area
• census ID was duct taped to the head and neck area
• the area is known for being overrun with drug users
• anti-government sentiment is increasing, including recent instances of violence
• the intelligence community has been warning of an increase in "conservative terrorism"
• several recent anti-government or conservative terrorists have been demonstrated to watch Fox News
• Congresswoman Bachmann, on the Glenn Beck program on Fox News, gave insane and paranoid warnings against the census
I'm not an attorney and I'm not sure what specifically constitutes culpability in an instance like this. I'm not qualified to answer the legal question.
Legal issues aside, if this killing was in some way inspired by their hate and fear mongering, of course they do bear some responsibility. I know you to be a conservative, but I also think you're objective enough to recognize that when someone in a position of power or authority uses that power or authority to inspire hatred there's something wrong. Did you watch the Bachmann interview? Have you heard her speak at all?
First of all... Clay County Coroner Jim Trosper said Friday that the word FED was written with a felt-tip pen... look up the coroner's report. That fact, which you had wrong, doesn't change the nature of a hideous murder, it just takes an edge off the sensationalism you're hoping will gain momentum.
Another sensationalized fact that you had incorrect... the preliminary cause of death was asphyxiation. According to a Kentucky State Police statement, the body was hanging from a tree with a noose around the neck, yet it was in contact with the ground. Nothing is conclusive as to how he was killed.
The irrelevant hyperbole regarding anti-government sentiment and the POTENTIAL for "conservative terrorism" is propaganda plain and simple. Show me an example of conservative terrorism that doesn't include Timothy McVeigh and demonstrates an actual trend instead of individuals acting on their own. The report mentioning the POTENTIAL of conservative terrorism submitted by the dept of Homeland Security was challenged and formally retracted as unsubstantiated and irresponsible...
unsubstantiated and irresponsible, just like the article in the OP tries to do. Take a murder story without supporting facts to inject a political statement based on nothing but innuendo and cliche's ... irresponsible propaganda.
Do you not believe that any political or ideological entity would attempt to influence public opinion by promoting fear against persons, organizations, or beliefs? What makes this administration any different than the others regarding political warfare? Sure, we'll leak some sensational unfounded statements about conservative terrorism and hateful religious white-folks to some willing partisans (useful idiots) in the media, unofficially nurture the intensity, and quickly pull back if it ever comes back on them (homeland security statement). It's still out there, like a person accused of child molestation, publicly tried in the media, then later proven innocent, but the damage is done... people still suspicious... false seeds are well planted... hurray for our side!
..right? Like stepping around an injured person on the sidewalk on your way to a human rights rally.
This is where the outrage should be... The enthusiasm I see here, and in the media, gleefully attempting to demonize citizens as POTENTIAL TERRORISTS with nothing more than feelings or baseless information at most. This is highly disturbing. To paraphrase... "when they came for me, there was no one left to speak on my behalf"... or to a lesser extent... something about rocks and glass houses or history repeating itself comes to mind. Continuing down this shared road of partisan hackery is leading us to dark destinations.