Ouch. Really.
I got to experience a subluxated rib. Holy jesus.
Subluxated means partial dislocation. Even my chiropractor was a little freaked when I showed him. We got it back in place a little, then it clicked in a little better several times over the next 24 hours or so. Talk about pain. Wow. I've broken a few bones in my day. Hand, clavicle, stuff. I'd put in above my hand break but below the clavicle. It definitely hurt. Breathing was taxing and painful on the intake, and trying to shift around and make it pop back in was a lesson in pain.
Now that the joint itself is fairly normal (I think), the whole right side of my ribcage feels a bit off. All the muscles are sore, wrapping out from my spine to under my right arm. If I push on my ribcage under my arm and move around, I can still feel some small pains in the joint region where it connects to my vertebrae. At least now when I breathe in deeply, the right side of my spine doesn't go into a solid cramp anymore, though.
I did this on wednesday when I was moving around some large heavy stuff. I had to pick my arm up and straight out at one point while carrying things, and apparently I forgot to breathe out and also twisted towards the left. That's when it popped out. I heard it and it was quite painful as soon as it happened. So when you take those kinesiology classes in college and they say to regulate your breathing while lifting? Well, they mean it. Haha.
Anyone ever experienced this before? I have some back problems and subsequent rib problems, but this is a new level of discomfort for me, concerning that.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-Winston Churchill