In these days I'm watching very much at TV series in English languages thanks to Satellite TV. I don't have subtitles (or, at least, I have it but are crappy) but I'm pretty confortable and understand almost all. I don't have very much problems of comprehension, I've been sorrounded by English a lot during this years (evenif I'm in Italy, advanced Physics books are written only in English. Conferences and articles also are done in English), but when this summer came the time to write the Master degree thesis (my tutor want me to do it in English) I was not confortable at all and I understood that my grammar has a lot of improving margins (and my tutor turn me down a lot for this) and was very very difficoult to make an also good reading thesis.
I thank you for your praise, but I'm not feeling very confident about my english grammar.
I also thank you for your suggestions and I'll try to follow the advice the best I can! ^_^