Originally Posted by guccilvr
Daniel: Rule G is in no way an outlet for mods/admins to abuse power or to make up rules if they don't like someone. All it merely states is that a mod or admin will use their best judgement on whether a rule infraction did occur and if it deems a point (based on the point system here). Like all other infractions and incurred points, the infractions are reviewed and if necessary retracted. Point G is merely a way of saying that we will do our best to not give knee jerk reactions and really try to find the context and the meaning behind things.
saying something 3 or 4 times for humorous effect is not spamming.. posting obnoxious links and flooding the room is.
In chat yesterday it was clearly stated that rule G allows the mod in presence to ignore, amend, and unevenly apply any rule as they see fit.
In escence, the rule was given as an enabling principle that gives the mod the right to not stop things that are clearly stated to be "forbidden", and ban things that are not within the rules.
The comparison to Animal Farm was raised by Strange Famous (and I concur) that "all animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others".
@Jazz: I am not cross with the rules, I think we need some, I just am not certain that these are the best we can have.