Originally Posted by guccilvr
Civility may be dead…but I don't know if that's such a bad thing really.
Why? I mean, if civility helps to make our stay on this shithole of a planet just a little bit nicer...why is that a bad thing?
Originally Posted by Jinn
My problem with this thread is the (necessarily) vague definition of 'manners' in this context. But calling me "sir" seems impersonal and even a bit mocking.
YYeeeahhh...that's as much my fault, as any one else’s. I got off on a bit of tangent. I never intended for this thread to so heavily dominated by the usage of the titles Sir and Ma'am. Those are, for better or worse, military and regional terms of address. I'm more concerned with basic manners and respect. Although...why is being addressed as "Sir" in any way mocking? Barring, of course, mocking tone inflection.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
The south isn't all moonlight and magnolias and Colonel Sanders.
Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn.
Well, actually, I do. In the sense that I was the one that held the south up as an example of good manners. Gucci and I could argue personal perceptions of the south all day long. That's not why I started this thread. I just wanted to know what ever happened to basic manners and respect. Why are arrogant, loud-mouthed idiots held up as something to be admired, while those of manners and refinement are viewed as something to be scorned?