I'd like a lot more info regarding the investigation before jumping to any conclusion(s.) There's too many possibilities regarding motive to say exactly why this happened. The area seems to be a known problem and the guy was warned. So there's that. He could have stumbled on a meth lab, still or illegal grow operation. Could also be a right wing nut job. Could be a left wing nut job trying to make the right look bad. Remember the the chick who carved a backward "B" into her face to make Obama supporters look bad? Bet she wishes she went with an "O." I also think KirStang has a point, spouses, lovers, business partners and known associates make up something like 90% of all homicides in the US. My guess is the team working on this is tracking down everyone the guy knows, if nothing else just to clear them off the list of suspects. The last thing the officers and DA want is to find someone they think did it and have the defense show up in court with another viable suspect the police never cleared. "So you're telling the court his business partner hated his guts and told people he was going to kill the guy?" "Det. did you know this?" "No"!?!" "So you never checked to see if he had an alibi?" "No!, Seriously, never checked this info out? So for all you know he had motive and he could have done it, right?"
Bottom line more info is needed before making any conclusions as to what this means... if anything.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club