Give me a break, a paranoid meth cooker would not hang and then carve, because that's only going to invite law enforcement to the area. A first grader could predict that.
You don't have much experience dealing with tweakers, do you? Meth-heads are DUMB. Their brains look like swiss cheese on an MRI, and there's a good reason. A'int a whole lot left goin' on up there after a few weeks, let alone the -years- that people spend addicted to that shit. Tweakers do dumb shit like that all the time, like the neighbor of mine who called in to the Sherriff's Office to report that his stashes of Meth and pot had been stolen (still in jail), or the local boy who decided that, in order to avoid tipping off the authorities by having an electric-bill spike in the neighborhood, decided to heat his lab with a KeroSun space-heater.
I'm perfectly willing to believe that this was an act of misguided political violence. Given the locale, however, I'm equally willing to believe that this is the work of brain-fucked tweakers or Mexican pot-farmers. And trust me, the Mexicans -WOULD- carve something like that. Those Cartel boys are more than mean-crazy enough. Coupla Cuban dumbasses (lotsa Floridian retirees up here, in fact a whole rural neighbohood is known as Little Havana) who robbed 'em a few years back ended up floating down the French Broad River minus their heads...both kinds...which were in turn found scattered around the county in the dumpsters of various Latino or Latino-friendly businesses where they'd be sure to be recognized.