Originally Posted by guccilvr
I'm going to call major bullshit on the south argument. I don't care if people say "thank you" "yes ma'am" etc.. that doesn't necessarily denote manners.Then of course we have the whole guns, god and government crowd. If someone dares say they don't believe in god or they support a democratic president and they are white.. well that person is just scum and doesn't know how bad they are and they should repent or they'll die in a fiery hell.
Well, to be fair, I think that you're going to find pockets of the population that hold that attitude in every region, not just the south. And, didn't Obama, when he was campaigning, refer to rural Pennsylvanians (I was one, once upon a time) as "Bitter Americans, clinging to guns and religion"?
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
At least it wasnt directed at me lol When Sherman came thru all he left us with was our Manners.
Even "Uncle Billy" saw the value in your manners. Not so much anything else that would burn.
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
we live in a generation of "I'm not going to respect you until you EARN it"
And, there it is. You are correct. Way back when I was growing up, we respected an individual until they lost that respect. I think that I liked it better that way.