I am currently sexless due to stress, disinterest, and the absence of my preferred partner. Okay, only partner thus far, but the preferred one none the less. Sex has been more spectacular through the emotional connection (call me stereotypical, Cromps, go ahead) than the physical one for the last few years. I have neither the energy or interest in trying to find that type of connection with someone else at the moment, though I definitely miss it. I'm sure it'll change, but I can get release just fine on my own when I need to. The emotional recovery period is a long one for me.
Plus, the LAST thing I need right now is to end up stuck after a romp with some nutjob stalker who just won't go away. Which has happened twice without even getting as far as the romp... just a minor rub.

So, I'll be sexless right now. Doesn't mean I'm un-sexual, though, which irritates me when my friends assume that this is what's going on. There is a difference beween sex-less, asexual, and un-sexual in my mind.