Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
The only point to releasing the alleged good-behavior videos is so that people who love ACORN can go "see, they aren't systemically bad - we don't have to listen to any of this." So, why release those videos and allow this to be ignored? If it was just one office, I would be with you - I promise. But 5 is systemic.
And you are correct, ACORN does register people who are not likely to vote...dead people, babies, Elvis, Mickey Mouse, ...
LOL! The point in releasing all videos is to get a clear unbiased picture for us to make our opinions on. Right now the case against acorn would not hold up in court. Hell a case against these individual employees would not even hold up in court.
I'm glad you are not a judge. Could you imagine what our judicial system would be like if we were allowed to have trials based on edited and incomplete videos?
I can't believe your argument against releasing these videos is that it might make them look innocent. It sounds to me like you already know they are guilty and thus any evidence to the contrary should not even be shown to anyone else. How very Bush WMD of you.