Originally Posted by guy44
I'm sorry Ace, I must have missed the in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of comparative effectiveness research in that South Park clip.
Satire is satire.
Protesters carrying that sign weren't making funny racial satire.
Yes, they were. I tired to explain it, you know medical, Africa, Obama born is...oops.. father is from Africa, con, Obamacare con...
Political satire has a long history in this country, thanks to the Constitution.
They were protesting a politician on the street. The context is hardly the same. This may be hard for you to believe, but I love South Park and the Chappelle Show and Woody Allen. That doesn't mean that I don't find that reprehensible image...well, reprehensible.
P.S. I don't care what race you are. I am soooooo sick of hearing borderline or outright racism being dismissed by saying, "hey, just lighten up."
Didn't Obama make a joke about this on Letterman. Wasn't his point to "lighten up", are you going to protest, make a sign...
P.P.S. I realize racial satire is an explosive, incredibly hard to define topic and that thousands of academics have spent their careers trying to pin down what it is racism, what is parody, etc. But still, that picture just ain't satire.
Yes it is. I tired to explain it, you know medical, Africa, Obama born is...oops..father is from Africa, con, Obamacare con, con, etc...
---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------
Originally Posted by FuglyStick
I am having a very, very hard time believing that you are actually as dense as you appear to be in this thread. I don't know how to put it any more politely.
Carter was wrong to say that the motivation of conservatives opposed to health care reform is racism. There is a percentage of objectors who are using the health care debate to promote their racist agenda, but they are not representative of the concerns that the majority of conservatives hold, nor of their values. To claim that the element of racism is non-existent is, well, ignorant, and does nothing but detract from actual, meaningful debate. Why you are so determined to defend racism is mind-boggling to me, and sets you up as a prime example of why there isn't any meaningful debate.
Others are saying the opposite regarding my ability to see and understand racism and the difference between racism and satire. I know racism is real in this country, but satire is not racism. To suggest an attempt at humor is racism diminishes real racism and diminishes the affects racism has on good people. What I "get" seems to be at a much deeper level than what others suggest that I don't "get".
This is even funny in Spanish: