I guess I'd have to see all the pictures to know what caused the Wal-Mart employee to react that way. Of course the family's lawyer is only going to release the most innocent, harmless-looking photo from the whole bunch, so that sample was expected.
Obvously, most all families take pictures of their kids unclothed and semi-clothed (I posted a photo of my own naked butt taken as a 2-month old infant over in one of the other threads before it was tastefully removed), so it could be a nightmare if the Wal-Mart employee and law enforcement were being jackasses.
However, it's entirely possible that the family photographer was being a knucklehead, too, and was posing the girls in ways that seemed like a cute idea at the time, but might be easily taken the wrong way by a stranger.
Craven, I know that from my profession as a teacher, I'm legally obligated to report any suspected abuse of any kind I might see in a school-setting, but I don't know what covenants Wal-Mart employees are bound by.
Living is easy with eyes closed.