I know what an angstrom is. For any number n | n > 0; n * infinity = infinity.
If you have an infinite amount of angstroms, it will give you infinity.
I apologize here for the misinterpretation. The variable that I am seeking is X where X goes to zero. Its a number so small that there is no number smaller than it. In other words, its an ever decreasing number, that's why in studies we use "goes to". Imagine x where x is an ever decreasing number. Also imagine stacking an ever increasing number of units on top of each other, hence
x where x decreases ever * y where y increases ever = k
why k, its because k is to be a constant since x and y are in the same dimension. You see lengths of 2 units would increase at the same speed in the same dimension if you put them under the same effect, hence linear difference. Its like a car with an engine A and a car with an engine B, the cars maximum speeds are at linear amount from each other because they both use the same combustion technology. Now if you use a car with hybrid technology, thats another dimension.