Sexuality of the sexless
So I'm genuinely curious how many of you out there who are sexless. And of those sexless, who of you are for the most part are fairly cool with it?
By sexless, I mean, you pretty much never have sex.
What I'm interested to know most of all is why you're sexless. Has it been a choice? Does it simply not interest you? A medical condition?
Does it bother you sometimes? Does it bother you at all?
I know its not the easiest thing to talk about sometimes, hell, the shocked looks on faces I get when it comes out the last time I had sex.
So to ease the mood and get some answers happening I'll open up to all. Because I'm seriously interested to know who else out there is similar.
I'm in my mid 20's and have had two sexual partners. The last time I had sex was nearly two years ago, and before that, 7 years.
If I had two words to choose as to why, I would put it down to fear and laziness. In a pure honest sense, it's as simple as that. But of course the reality isn't quite so simple, but if I only had two words to choose.
Let me start by saying I enjoy sex, I think about it quite often in fact. I masturbate no more and no less than anyone else. I think women, especially women with red hair, to be the most beautiful creatures to walk the earth. I'm a fairly social person, have no trouble talking to women, I have it on good authority that I'm easy on the female eyes, the word charming often gets thrown out there. And I suffer no medical conditions. Depression has thrown the odd spanner in the works from time to time, but certainly not a good reason.
So really, I have no excuses, but I've never blamed anyone but myself.
Truth is I do know why, exactly why. I just don't put myself out there. That, and I seem incapable of picking up on even the most basic hints when a lass is interested.
But even on occasion when it's been outright offered, I've politely declined. Mainly on the grounds of standards, and a general unease at the idea of one night stands.
Thing is, I've never been able to comprehend the lengths some people go to just for sex. I've had some shameful moments in the name of love, lust, jealousy, and passion. But just for sex? I'd just as soon save myself all the complications and hassles and just go home and beat Little Friendly like he owes me money.
So there it is, really, fear and laziness, essentially.
How about you?
You are not a slave