I prefer symmetry and straight lines. If there are things on a table, I will (without even really thinking about it) straighten them so they all run parallel to each other, or at least form straight lines of some kind- and always so their straight lines are relative in some way to lines or edges of the surface they're on. I am not, however, a person who demands everything always be put away properly, "in its place", etc. It just gets adjusted wherever it is, if it's askew.
I always sleep with a comforter only, no sheet. I always have a fan going overhead (or blowing on me somehow) and then I curl up into the comforter. We're not talking a dead-of-winter super thick comforter, just a normal one.
I gotta have it cool in the apartment. Currently, I have it set to 70.
I can't sleep clothed. If I have to, I don't sleep well. I fidget all night.
If I crack a knuckle, I will complete cracking all the rest. Again, not a conscious demand, it just happens, but it always happens.
The second I get home, or anywhere else it's feasible, I take off my shoes and socks. I really can't relax in any way with shoes/socks on.
I absolutely cannot cannot cannot be wearing socks without also having shoes on over them. The feeling drives me nuts.
My bedroom door must be closed and locked while I'm asleep.
If I lay down in bed on my stomach, I will never fall asleep. If I start on my back and never turn over, I will never fall asleep. I have to start on my back until I'm "ready" to fall asleep (whatever that feeling/trigger is), and then turn over onto my stomach, and then I fall asleep right away.
Fixing the social psychology of entitlement and self-righteousness in two easy steps:
1. Always show everyone kindness and respect.
2. Verbally punish the stupid and inconsiderate immediately, harshly, and with righteous indignation. Never acquiesce.
.: The mouthpiece of sanity :.