Originally Posted by cellfactor
I think infinity is possible and what it does is simply take you to another dimension.
An example:
An infinite number of 1 dimensional lines gives you 2 dimensional plane
An infinite number of 2 dimensional planes yields you in the third dimension
An infinite volume of 3 dimensional models takes you to travel time through parallel worlds
An infinite number of 4 dimensional time lines takes you to deal with another unit called tachyon which recently to have infinite speed(faster than light).
And so forth
The second dimension does not admit the third. I know what you're trying to say, but no, that's not how it works. Otherwise you could only ever have things with infinite measurements in all dimensions.
Also, please don't bring "God" into the equation, because that's a separate discussion, and it's not an element that everyone agrees on.
I don't see the connection with tachyons either.