So... Am I the only person that thinks the US Goverment is trying make US citizens kill themselves? Not only do they try tax us to death, they're trying to pass a bill saying that any citizen that doesn't have health insurance gets a fine on the upwards of $3,000+... While I agree that health insurance is imparitive I don't agree with their choice of action. Why not make insurance rates lower? Or... better yet, not fine us for not having it.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of pissed about this. Not only do I not have insurance... I don't have a damn job, due to being laid off for "economic" reasons that my employer wouldn't disclose to me.
From what I've seen it would be cheaper to not have insurance and pay out of pocket for a minor doctor bill than to go out and get on private health insurance. When I looked up purchasing my own insurance the average was around 200-300 dollars a month. Not only was I so outraged I wanted to punch baby seals in the face, I can't afford to purchase it.
So... You know what that stupid S.O.B. that started this bill said? "Well... Having auto insurance is a mandatory" Yes... Only if you own an automobile... What an idiot. I don't think the bum down the street has auto insurance, but then again, maybe cardboard box insurance counts as the same thing.
The one thing I can say about this is the fact that Obama is opposing this bill, which might just be the best thing he's done as president to date.
I'd like to hear everyones thoughts on this issue.
(Since my post count is too low to post links... If you'd like to source the article I'm talking about just go to google and type in Health Insurance New Bill $1500 Fine and click on the third link.)
(Link below, courtesy of SecretMethod70. Thanks for being a great admin.

Peace out,