Originally Posted by mixedmedia
yes, I suppose that is it. But just for the record, I really don't consider myself to be an exhibitionist - as weird as that may sound. It doesn't make me titillated to think of other people looking at me. It's just a way of expressing my personality, same as photography or writing. That's not to say that the act of taking the pictures is not erotic, just not the showing of them...for me. Other people involved in the process may think differently...in fact, I'm pretty sure they do.
I didn't understand your reply at first, but then I remembered - when I have posted n00dz in the past, I didn't get turned on either by the fact that others were staring and perhaps wanking to them. I posted them just for fun. Maybe even for the attention it got me, as I sure made more friends once I posted some nekkidness.
I dunno why (or how lol) these womenz did what they did. Maybe one of 'em will come forth and contribute to the discussion. But the activities definitely didn't make the chat room boring at all, even tho it was slow att.