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Old 09-18-2009, 10:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rekna View Post
Check out this video from Fox News:

Fox refused to air President Obama’s speech Thursday. Here’s what they covered instead. - Daily Kos TV (beta)

Fox news has made a habbit of not showing mainstream presidential speeches since Obama has taken office. These are the types of speeches that were always shown when Bush was giving them. This is the not first time Fox has done this and likely will not be the last. When Bush was giving the speeches all the stations carried them.

Is the myth of the liberal media bias dead? Is the new bias conservative?
Obama speaks about 10 times more often than other presidents. He gives the same speech 15 times a week and all are televised somewhere. I wouldn't blame ANY station for skipping one of them and capitalizing on the ratings/advertising of those who don't want to watch YET ANOTHER Obama speech. Other networks have done the same, not just Fox. This is much ado about nothing.

Not to mention and according to all of you: "there is no point in broadcasting it on the mouthbreather network since the viewers are all too obtuse to understand him anyway."
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
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