Originally Posted by Spartanx9
Only problem is that I'm uninsured atm. Unless there are free professional help that I can go into, I can't exactly dish out any money for them.
Yeah I know what you mean - I've been uninsured for years.
I see a therapist every week. I'm not sure what her normal rate is, but she charges me $70 each session. Not that great of a deal, but we did bargain a bit until we agreed on a set amount. So counselors / therapists will work with you financially if need be. Same goes for doctors. My psychiatrist normally charges $90 per visit. I'm paying $40. And I only need to see him once / month for meds.
Also, if you feel like it, you can pm me the area where you reside. I'm certain I can find a support group or 3 with folks in a similar situation as yourself. That helps so much - being around others who relate. You can also try Googling 'support groups in {city,}' and just go from there.
Originally Posted by GreyWolf
A true friend won't mind if you wake them at 3am because you just can't stand it anymore and need someone to talk to.
This struck a chord with me for some reason. What a cool statement. Made me realize that other than boyfriends, I've never had a friend this dependable before! But it's true -
that is a real friendship to cherish right there.