For lube:

Downpart is it's a bit more expensive than similar lubes of a different brand, but this one is the best I've used so far. It doesn't leave very much of a residue on you, a little goes a long way, and it's not sticky.
Body scrub:

100% Pure's vanilla bean body scrub makes me sooo soft and I end up smelling like vanilla cookies. mmmm
Razor blades:

Dorco is an awesome brand. They have never rusted on me and they stay sharp even after cutting through wood. I know this because I was stupid and tried to cut a small piece of wood and I slipped and the razor went right through my thumb and slit in half all the way down to my knuckle. The blade was so sharp that I didn't feel a thing and there was very minimal bleeding. My thumb healed up perfectly without any scars.