Originally Posted by roachboy
it only makes sense that a system which provides access to basic health care would have a system interest in preventative treatment--in helping people keep themselves healthier for longer.
it is self-evident that obesity is a serious health problem in the united states: if raising the price of sugar and/or hfcs based sodas would contribute toward a reduction in obesity, where's the problem?.
I'll agree with you about promotion of preventive care, as well as promotion of healthy lifestyle choices by education.
I don't agree about taxation or regulation though. I happen to drink non-diet soda on a regular basis. Maybe too much, maybe not. Any diet soda I've tried tastes awful and Aspertame seems to give me headaches.
My weight is not out of control, in part due to a sometimes intense workout routine. I understand the hazards of obestity. So I'm being penalized because somebody else lets their weight get out of control.
What's next? A pizza tax?