Originally Posted by flstf
I understand you have objections to President Obama's health care proposals. Specifically his attempt to deal with pre-conditions, caps and affordability. Do you even see these things as problems that need to be addressed? Do you think the non-competitive system we now have with out of control costs and denial of insurance is sustainable?
If health care costs continue to rise faster than inflation rates or rates of increase in individual income, probably not. However, I don't see how allowing either coverage of preconditions or eliminating caps, which I think ends up increasing costs to insurance companies helps control costs.
I don't know what the answer to the health care issue is, but I don't think solutions which increase demand without some way to ensure supply increases equivalently are going to solve anything.
Nor do I believe that any solution that tries to cap profitability of a company will be a satisfactory long term solution either.
Maybe more interest in preventive care helps.