Knotted blankets:
This is what I did for all my Christmas gifts last year. Quite cheap, EASY to make and extremely useful for any recipient. You can find the simple instructions by Googling 'tie blankets.' Made of 2 sheets of fleece fabric.
You can tailor them to fit your recipient perfectly, using prints and / or colors. Bf's mother loved pink, so I used 2 shades of pink to make hers. Bf's father grew up on a pecan farm. So I made him one using John Deere tractor themed fleece. Friend is a UGA fan and loves pink. I actually found a UGA print in pink. All who received blankets use them all year round. They love them. I received my first tie blanket 2 years ago and I honestly use it
every single day, as I must have a blanket when I watch tv. It really was the best gift I ever received.