Originally Posted by dksuddeth
cite please. I know I'd like to see the military budget cut, pretty sure alot of my associates also would like to see that happen. so i'm sure you can show me where I'm in the fringe element of that group, right?
Tea Party Handbook: Medicare Advantage is One Target
Also, a quick google search of teapartypatriots.org:
"To bring public attention to what is in the HR 3200 Bill, how the government wants access to your checking account, large Medicare cut backs and how the impact of the bill will destroy small business by forcing health care on all employees! "
Of course, silence often speaks louder than words, and of all the things to protest and to cut, the 912dc.org site has no mention whatsoever of cutting medicare.
as far as military spending goes, a simple google of military budget tea parties:
Missile Defense - Tea Party
"The Obama budget fails to fully fund the core defense needs of the United States. About $30 billion more is needed in the base defense budget."
Tea Party Talking Points: Obama's War on the American Dream
"Instead of cutting defense spending, the Administration should restore missile defense funding and maintain a minimum defense budget of 4% of GDP for the next 10 years, not including war funding."