Originally Posted by dogzilla
People like me who are fed up with the government treating my bank account like their personal piggy bank.
After a bailout, a buyout of GM and Chrysler, cash for clunkers, credit for homebuyers, and now a national health plan, I've had enough. Obama's actions are the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
I've paid my bills and never had the government bail me out. I'm tired of the government taking my money to compensate someone else for their failures.
A friend of mine went to last weekend's DC protest. She's smart enough to write a protest poster and spell all the words correctly. I would have gone with her, except I had prior commitments.
And by the way, I don't waste my time with Rush, Glenn Beck, etc, nor do I read Fox news that much.
I suspect that you and your friend are against most of the health care reform proposals. I am genuinely curious to understand this position without any left or right name calling. If the estimates are somewhat true that at the present rate health insurance will cost the average family $30,000 per year by 2019, do you think this is sustainable? Is it the anti-reform protesters' position that the out of control health care cost will take care of itself and the government should leave things as they are?