Originally posted by BoCo
I agree almost completely! If you have the desire to have sex with the same sex, then go ahead but keep it to yourself. I don't want to see it, hear it, hear about it, know about it, or whatever. It goes against nature, God, and all that is right. If you don't agree, then something is wrong with you, not me. Furthermore, absolutely no same-sex marriages should be allowed or honored in any way. Personally, I refuse to recognize any same-sex marriage whether you like it or not. Two men or two women cannot be "married". They're simply disturbed and need emotional help, and society pretending that they're married is of no help to them at all.
The only thing I disagree with in DE137's post is that charges should be filed. People should be able to screw anyone they want in any way they want without the government getting involved.
If you think I'm kidding or trolling, then you don't know me very well. I'm completely serious.
people have said this before,
you dont think it's right for them to do this, but just because you dont think something is right doesnt make it wrong.
we're talking about recognizing them legally, not religiously, so it doesnt really matter what god/pope/clergy/preist/whatever religious official thinks about this.
you said
who defined this nature?
according to you maybe.
just because 2 consensual adults do something that you dont like/understand doesnt make them
"disturbed and need emotional help"