Oh, no... I'm all for the
19th Century Ideals of Manliness here as an esteem-boosting measurement of self worth.
We could even roll the clock back some more, if you'd like.
Originally Posted by little_tippler
A person's own, personal insecurity, or insecurities caused by external sources?
...but they're not mutually exclusive.
Let's say I'm this guy:
I feel like I need a relationship to validate various goals in life. Being a single man means I'm "incomplete."
My exwife cheated on me, told me she didn't want counseling, and divorced me during my last deployment.
I'm occasionally a rotten asshole to some women I date because of it.
Internal from external.
Some women I date notice that I'm occasionally a rotten asshole.
External from internal.
Insecurity, like cancer, is insecurity wherever it is.
There is no good cancer and there is no good insecurity.
It can be managed, dealt with or destroyed.
Or it can destroy you and your relationships.
I am not friends with any of my exes. I don't see them after we break up. Ever. Granted, I would make an exception if the breakup didn't involve infidelity.
I am not friends with any of my partner's exes. I figure they're the competition... like another lion that'll snag my tasty wildebeest given the chance.