Originally Posted by rahl
Your still not answering my question.
This question has been asked and answered by many people on both sides.
I get it that the absolute nutjobs don't represent everyone. But the majority of people who oppose this president do so based on factually incorrect information, provided to them from the becks and other morons of the fox new agency. When someone will not see reason even when you prove them wrong what are you to do?
both sides present 'facts' and information that the other side then 'proves' is wrong, a lie, intellectually dishonest, etc. These majority people I'm talking about do not care anymore about what 'facts' and information gets provided. They are tired of listening to pundits talk down to them with a glib explanation that takes a 1,000+ page bill and believes that in two sentences it can be explained to the citizenry at large. These majority people do not want to hear any more about how complicated these things are to fix and that they take an extraordinary amount of changes at once to do so. Forcing that anyway is a sure recipe for armed revolt.
Originally Posted by rahl
These nutjobs, even though armed, post absolutely no threat what so ever. Do you really think there will be an armed revolution? If so I feel very sorry for those that take up the cause because according to you only a very few actually believe this stuff.
I am one of those 'armed nutjobs' rahl, and hell yes there will be an armed revolution if this shit gets rammed down the throats of people who refuse to accept this monstrosity of change. If health reform is something you people want to see happen (and yes, these majority folks also want to see it done in a more sensible way) then you will heed their words and warnings and deal with this issue piecemeal fashion starting with the most essential parts first. Otherwise, you will see violent episodes which will escalate. Will the body count be worth the price to you?
Halx, I will respond shortly to your links as soon as I get a few minutes to sit and read them.