Originally Posted by Rekna
DK I think the biggest problem with your argument right now is that you are assuming these protesters are middle of the road and make up a significant number of middle of the road people.
I disagree with this and I believe that these people are generally far right and their views do not accurately represent the majority of this country. Almost every poll I have seen says that a majority (and in many cases a large majority) of Americans support a public option.
and i've seen a number of polls that say the opposite. polls are useless.
what i'm talking about are the bigger issues of what this will do in the long run. These people are scared because there is nothing to measure the failure or success of such a costly move. You're talking about putting something that has been a bedrock of their existence and shoving a wedge through it with no guarantee of success. The cost of failure though can be completely devestating.
most of these people do not want this rushed through for varied reasons, but using the current democrat tactics of 'no time to waste' and 'people will die if we don't' are only entrenching them in their positions.
forcing that kind of change on people when they are either not ready, not accepting, or just plain against it is a recipe for disaster.
also, the cries of this being in any way about racism are sure to continue pissing the ones off who, at this point, are only concerned about the cost of this plan. continuing with the racist banner is only going to move those particular individuals squarely in the 'we'll oppose anything' camp. Then you'll have a bigger problem.