Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Technically, this was the basis of the tea party movement. TEA - Taxed Enough Already. Many have jumped on the movement to air their grievances with the current federal government. These people march under the same banner, but their grievances are about a variety of different issues: environmental, death panels, illegal aliens, etc. They aren't really addressing or considering the core problem which is the realization that eventually borrowed money has to be paid back. The initial movement has always been about "We can't possibly pay for all of this!?!?"
And this is where I see hope for the conservative movement. If they controlled their message to reflect more reasonable concerns, especially fiscal concerns, they would appear, whether now or in 2012, as those who were reasonable on spending, and depending on how un/successful the Obama cabinet was, be the ones who were "right."
Unfortunately, they apparently have no control over their message, or they don't want control, and would rather have anger displayed throughout. While it's a great way to rally more people, and make crowds, it distorts the message so much that nobody wants to listen to the incoherent brouhaha...especially when only the most violent, hateful stuff is what seems to be most prominent.