Originally Posted by dksuddeth
fuck it, again. you guys are right and i'm wrong as usual because i'm a Libertarian or some stupid shit while you 'progressives' have all the answers.
no warning goes heeded. no advice gets taken. y'all think you got it handled by ignoring or disrespecting a whole group for the thoughts and/or ideas of a few.
far be it from me to impede your efforts at ostracizing other americans who aren't as smart as you guys are.
dk...I am not saying you are wrong because you are a Libertarian, but simply that Libertarians are not representative of those in the center. No election, at any time, would suggest otherwise.
Centrists, for the most part, see the value of the role of government in many programs from which they (or someone they know) benefit and simply want efficient government, not less government.
This sign, the most prominent at the recent event, is not an impulse sign, hand written by a concerned citizen.

It is an organized and orchestrated message from insurance industry (and other) special interest groups opposed to health care reform.