This is causing a big stir up here in Ontario.My feelings are that gays are equal citizens with everyone else and not subordinate,inferior or diseased.I think alot of people think that though.Such ignorance.And then the nerve of the Catholic church to continually condemn and chastise gays for their lifestyle choices,yet then ignore and cover up thousands of priests fucking little boys.Very nice not to mention the blind eye put forth by the Vatican.But I digress.
This is todays ed-op in the Ottawa Sun
The Ontario Court of Appeal wasn't stating a preference in ruling in favour of gay marriage. It was merely acknowledging an obvious fact : That under our Constitution all Canadians, no matter what their sexual persuasion, have the same rights, and that therefore government has a responsibility to recognize gay marriages in the same manner it recognizes heterosexual marriages.
Frankly, we're not sure why government even remains in the marriage business. Why should Big Brother be the one to pass judgment on the legitimacy of a relationship between two individuals? And, come to think of it, why should government or anyone have a say on how others choose to live and love?
To us, this isn't a "gay" issue at all. It's an issue of individual liberty.
We are free people -- all of us. We are free to live and to love. We are free to choose how to lead our lives and whom to live our lives with, so long as we don't intrude on the rights and freedoms of others.
Frankly, the furor triggered by this week's court ruling baffles us. Gays have been living in openly gay relationships for years. They enjoy spousal benefits, they exchange birthday gifts, they celebrate anniversaries together and pay the utility bills. They worry when one is late getting home from work, they fret over who does the groceries and they plan their retirements together. Sound familiar?
Who cares if two gay individuals choose to have their commitment to each other legally recognized by the state?
No doubt, the notion offends some Canadians, although we find it somewhat odd that, in this day and age, it can generate any serious opposition. It's simple, folks: Your neighbours have no business telling you how to live, so stop having an opinion on their lifestyle choices.
The Chretien government finds itself torn between accepting the verdict and appealing the decision to the Surpeme Court. There are even calls in some quarters, including the government of Alberta, to invoke the notwithstanding clause of the Constitution to block gay marriages.
It's time government got out of the marriage business entirely. Let individuals decide the legitimacy of their lifestyle choices. They're big boys and girls.