The video tapes show some nasty shit going on and ACORN has some major damage control. But in the end it is political theater. ACORN is red meat for the right.
There is absolutely nothing that I have seen to suggest any institutional policies that go beyond poorly trained or renegade employees, making ACORN guilty of sloppy and incompetent management that absolutely needs to be corrected or replaced ASAP....not just firing the employees who participated.
The Republicans in Congress will demand hearings...the right wing blogs will have a field day or week or two.
And Acorn's constituency, low income minorities, will see Beck/Limbaugh/Republicans as the enemy behind this incident and rally behind ACORN. Charges by the right of voter registration/election fraud will be a common theme in the 2012 election, further alienating those minority voters from he Republican party.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 09-14-2009 at 06:31 PM..