FYI, [YOUTUBE]what appears after "watch?v="["slash"YOUTUBE]
They're fucking stupid, and many of them are armed. If they were benign, I wouldn't care, but many of them are turning to domestic terrorism. Basically, the instigating figures—Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, that Savage guy no one on the left talks about for some reason, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the few others—need to be held legally responsible for inciting violence right along with the wingnuts that carry it out.
The best thing we can all do, though, is talk to our grandparents. I know they're old, smell funny, and we're never quite sure if they bathe, but they're the ones losing their minds. Go over to the house, program the remote, and calmly and politely work into the conversation that the public option is simply Medicare for the rest of us.