I just use soap and water and that usually works well for me. My grandmother used to get these horrific infections on cuts and scrapes she didn't clean properly and didn't tell anyone about until they actually got really infected; I used a aromatherapy mix that I keep in my first aid kit at all times:
In a cup of warm (not hot) water put
3 drops Myrrh essential oil
3 drops Lavender essential oil
3 drops Geranium essential oil
Agitate with a piece of gauze, and the place gauze on the affected area for about 10 minutes. Repeat 3 or 4 times a day depending on the level of infection.
When you use this you can actually see the redness of the infection receeding and my grandmother would be virtually healed within one week of using this (usually less).
"A true master makes a life not a living."
~ Unknown