Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
If all people follow natural law, society sorts out most issues. Those issues unresolved should be placed in the hands of government. We as a people must place our government in check from the temptations of stepping in too early, because that is where liberty is lost. <- Upon rereading that, it waxed poetic, which was not the intent. I don't mean to grandstand.
My wife and I discuss this sort of thing quite frequently. I believe that basically most people are good and genuinely try to do the right thing as they see it. She says that I am naive. From the vitriol being displayed in the political realm recently she seems to be winning the debate.
I am hard pressed to try and explain the amount of corruption found in our leaders both private and public. It's almost as if most corporate and political leaders whose affairs are looked into will uncover unethical if not illegal activity. I wonder if this isn't the real natural order of things.