Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
The problem with natural law is that it is not natural at all.
I disagree. Freud discussed the three elements of consciousness. Id, Ego, and Super Ego. We are the only species with a super ego. It allows us to recognize "right" from "wrong". Very few people do not possess this recognition. All others, could choose to follow it (natural law).
To note what Troublebot said, "I can follow natural law, but I don't think others will and thats why we need the government to do all of this" is naive. I don't mean this in a critical way, but I would say that a fundamental tenet of modern political liberalism is the belief that people will not do nice things for others unless the government forces them to. That really is another way of saying, "I don't believe others will follow natural law so I want my government to step in."
Obviously, I don't believe that to be true.