ugh... list... hehe
bipolar... so used to be random "explosions" (now it's when things get too much)
sarcastic to almost everything
avoid certain topics by saying i don't know anymore how to do that
twisted sense of humor that nobody gets
can't stand a passive person but won't be aggressive on some things (kinda a oxymoron lol)
seeing red when i hear "i don't know" coming from the kid
also, seeing red when i hear "i was going to do that" after i've started when it took too long for them
holding grudges
like to plot revenge to ex's that have used me as a doormat per se (can't do it.. can't bring my self to that low level)
liking to throw things when pissed off ... whatever is near enough for me to reach
the school doesn't like me... i showed the bad side of my self if the problem wasn't fixed before i had to come in
(i'm starting to think they run and hide when i show up cause i never see them unless i ask for them)
tech support doesn't like me... script or no script.. i'm not a idiot don't treat me as one (no the damned thing won't come on.. that's why i want a motherboard)
people on the road.... in general... the tailgaters, stop dead for just about no reason or to turn off, the ones that aren't doing the speed limit but speed up when you're trying to pass
my final one.... being that last damned one to know what in the hell is going on... medical scenarios with family
some of mine probably don't seem too much of a bad thing to others, but i don't like it about myself.
Quantum Cat Theory:
Upon hearing the sound of a can being opened,
it becomes possible for a cat to travel faster than the speed of light.