I want to add a bit to my last post. I am against what seems to be the majority on "alternative" and "natural" medicines. It's very simple, there are treatments that work, known as medicine, and there's everything else, which is not. Herbal remedies may contain the same active ingredients, like willow bark and aspirin, but the natural form has no consistent dosage and no regulation on quality control. Homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy, and chiropractic are all typically passed off as medicine, but are 100% bullshit. Sure, you may have gotten benefits from them or know someone who did, but they are
no better than placebo, both homeopathic and chiropractic "medicine" have resulted in permanent damage, chiropractic has killed people, and people have died because they believed the bullshit they were told instead of going to a real doctor.
I also try to educate people, just today I mentioned my dislike of Jim Carrey (and Jenny McCarthy for the same reason) and explained the basics of the anti-vaccination movement (which a couple of people hadn't even heard of) and how harmful this misinformation is. check out
www.whatstheharm.net covers a lot, from harm caused by superstitioon and quack medicine to the dangers of blindly relying on your GPS device, like the guy who drove into a river after ignoring "Bridge Out" signs.