I'd like it to be legalized as a recreational drug.
The way it is in California, some take it for real medical issues, and actually need it as a drug for medical treatment. But the vast majority just wants to kick back and smoke, which I find nothing wrong with, but I'd hate to have the whole country behind this whole sort-of hypocrisy. Most of us don't need it as medicine.
So, yes, I'm in favor of it being legalized, and taxed.
I also know that someone can get incredibly high on MJ, and should never drive a car while on it.
I do understand, though, that it's a divisive enough issue, and most presidents don't want to be the dude who legalized pot. Also, there are many more pressing issues at hand, and I'm glad to wait, especially if it means having a better USA.
A couple questions, though: what would be the legal age to take it? Should it be 18, or 21, like alcohol?
And one for parents: would you be comfortable with your child knowing you smoke/used to smoke pot, if it were legal? Would that change anything? Any parents here use MJ?