Originally Posted by Derwood
My question was stemmed in the fact that you have been berating Obama for being weak on the message and not dispelling the lies and half truths in a strong manner. I feel like he did all he needed to in that realm last night. Do you agree or disagree?
On the issue of "death panels" he did not address how the government will allocate limited health care resources. He actually did the opposite pretty much promising to do more that is possible without increasing costs or reducing benefits.
On the issue of illegals, he failed to address the fact that the existing house bill does not proactively require proof of citizenship for benefits.
I think he parsed his words in a very crafty manner. I doubt anyone with an opinion going into the speech had that opinion changed. In my view the speech added no value to the debate and did not dispel "lies and half truths" - I thought he was weak.