I really can't imagine that the case is even being considered. From what I gathered of the arguments, the opposition to the current law is putting forward the notion that corporations are individuals, the same as you or I, and as such should be granted the freedom to express their viewpoints.
Pardon me, but what a load of steaming crap!
As other posters have noted, corporations already do run our government, they just do it through loopholes and PAC fronts. Reversing campaign finance regulation would just bring it into the open and the floodgates would be wide.
There is absolutely no upside to this case even being given consideration. As it is now, I would venture that 90% of the laws that are passed are to the benefit of corporations, directly or indirectly.
I'm sure that I'm not the only one who noticed how partisan this issue is! The right is vying hard for this reversal because they know it will bring them more money, and in turn, they'll loosen regulation, allow their corporate sponsors to make more profits, which will bring in even more money. All to the detriment of our country, the environment, and the people at the lower 98% of the income strata. Boy, that GOP has really outdone itself! Long live corporate welfare!