Originally Posted by PonyPotato
"Edrych y ceffyl llwyd. Y gŵr a eisteddodd arno fe oedd marwolaeth, a uffern dilynodd gyda fe."
Note: My mother is from South Wales and her version of man "gŵr" usually translates as "husband," so you might want to use "dyn" which is the dictionary's translation of man. But this is how she would be comfortable saying the phrase and being understood.
Hope this helps! I can also post in a Welsh language community on LJ and ask them, they're always good at translations but there are always multiple versions and opinions!
Pony, here's the sword you and your mom helped create.
I took your advice and replaced Gwr with dyn.
I'll post more detailed pics of it when i receive it. It was shipped from Scotland this morning.