Originally Posted by guccilvr
I have a top of the line MBP. I'm considering going ahead with a massive MacPro for other needs that I would utilize at home as well. Why? Because the pricing doesn't bother me because while I get an occasional rainbow, I enjoy being able to start up the machine and not having to worry about the latest virus craze or if I'm going to get some random BSOD. While I've never had problems (huge problems anyway) on the PC side of things, it's always there in the back of my mind.
So you can get your hackintosh and load SL on it and be ok, but if you do for some reason need some service, you're fucked. That's the other thing that I enjoy about the Macs, I get a tad pricer service, but it's good service. Try taking your hackintosh to the apple store and getting service. not gonna happen.
Well the only service I would need would be hardware related, which means I can just replace something myself. I use Time Machine, which I've already used to restore my information on to a new hard drive, so if something goes wrong, I can just restore after fixing whatever hardware issue there is. I've never had any trouble with software other than having a browser close every now and again (and actually, that seems less likely to happen now that Safari won't crash due to flash).
As for viruses and bsods, it's Snow Leopard. Apple hardware doesn't defend you from those things, not really, it's the software.
Practical issues aside, though, what do you think about the ethical question?