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Old 09-05-2009, 07:52 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
Originally Posted by aceventura3 View Post
He will face it in every thing, everything he does. The problem is not having opposition. The problem with Obama is how he handles it.
The problem is, why should he have to? Can't the opposing parties comment and commiserate with one another instead of spreading their disrespect and hatred? Why should the rules be different for him?

When in history has a sitting President's speech been banned, as though it might cause harm to someone's child? Our last President was far from loved, but I'm quite sure liberal parents would have had no problem allowing their kids to hear him speak.

What the hell happened to respect for the office? At his Inauguration, even our President was courteous to his predecessor, despite some mighty loud boos from the people that reverberated in the crowds. He's got a lot more class than these politically-driven parents, who should be ashamed. Are they the role models and mentors for the future generations? That's damned scary.
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