I treat Atheism as it's own Religion.
The biggest mistake Atheists make is identical to those who are Religious. They attribute the situation in which they sit as solely encompassed within themselves mentally, when in reality both are taught to them by a specific person in which the person yields to the wisdom of the one teaching them.
For Example:
The origin of the universe is an infinity of energy/mass in a single point. Suddenly the universe is born in a massive explosion, the evidence of which is an echo heard from all corners of the universe. Due to the theories of Relativity, Sub-Atomic particle theories, and Gravity not working hand-in-hand, there has been upwards of 18 dimensions to help explain them. Of these dimensions, we can only experience 3, and the 4th we only know by memory leaving 13 of which we have no physical way of experiencing for ourselves beyond the interpretation of someone for whom we yield our own knowledge to. To help all of these individually proven theories (but not inter-linking), we have moved beyond the dimensions to include theories in which everything we know/see/feel/etc is a hologram and is actually a series of strings vibrating in which matter does not actually exist and is simply reality vibrating at different energies.
This is effectively a religion. You can't tell me you came to this convoluted equation yourself, or could ever get to. Instead you yield your own experiences and beliefs to this man who tells you we know this because "(insert here)". You believe in the theory of Gravity, which is supported by your own experiences sure... but do you believe you could come up with the theory of orbital planets on your own without the aid of someone teaching it to you? The root of every belief Atheism hold true has the exact same basis as any religion, it is the yielding to a 3rd party with the belief that this one person helps answer questions you otherwise wouldn't know.
You may fire back by arguing you do not necessarily believe in these theories and that it does not throw interference to your eld result, but then there is no way you can then point to any one part of the bible which you believe is clearly self-conflicting as not all believers allow the little stuff to get in the way of their overall belief.
And as for Believers, you can not use Logic to convince someone out of a position they did not use logic to get into. This goes for politics, sex, religion, etc.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas