Originally Posted by Vigilante
If you're really interested, seek. It'll come to you. Your hair will stand up and you'll have an "oh shit!" moment, then you'll get it.
That's the thing, I AM interested, I do want to experience these instances, it simply never happens. I don't believe any of the stuff you said really happened, I think it's an overactive imagination. My mind doesn't let me believe in something that can't be proven. But even though I am a huge skeptic, I still
want to experience this phenomena. For you, you think of these experiences as normal, but I've never had one, ever, in my entire life, whether I was a kid or teenager or adult. Nothing even remotely odd has ever happened that couldn't be explained. If I did ever experience anything like you describe it would be the best day of my life. It would change my life completely. But it hasn't happened, and it won't happen, so what does that mean?